Saturday, March 30, 2013


Requirements. I hate that word. Lately all I've been trying to do is meet them. Everyone tells me not to give up, so I spend hours of time, money I wish I could use on something else, and numerous people sacrificing their time to drive me to this test, all for me to just fail it. Over and over and over. This one test that determines I'm smart enough to be a teacher. I think about the fact that I wrote "teaching" as one of my skills on my trip application, and all I'm doing now is the opposite of that.

Tonight, God put an old song in my head. It comes from Micah 6:8. It simply states, "act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God." God never said I had to be a good teacher to have love in my heart. He wants me to be fair, love as He does, and have a relationship with Him that is stronger than anything else.

I put the song here- yes, it's Veggietales, but it's sweet and the lyrics really stuck to my heart.

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